You think just because i flew off into the night I would keep quiet??? You should know me a little better by now! All the things one can do at night on an aeroplane!!! I mean, hellooo? check it out:
You think just because i flew off into the night I would keep quiet??? You should know me a little better by now! All the things one can do at night on an aeroplane!!! I mean, hellooo? check it out:
Preparations took a little longer than expected – but finally we are off!!! In high spirits and 100% holiday mode we dive straight into the first highlight of this trip: we are going on the Gautrain.
I knew it! Something’s potting. Suitcases are packed, flight tickets and passports ready… and I am also prepared. Can you believe it? How lucky can a snake get? I am travelling to summer-sunny Germany ON AN AEROPLANE. How fabulous and…
So you’ve been wondering what happened to me? Well, maybe you should have used your head and realise that its WINTER! and that I am a SNAKE! and that SNAKES HIBERNATE IN WINTER… duh…
Wednesday 4 May – Country road, take me home I guess I shouted too loud. Tomorrow came and with it the open road dragging me back to Johannesburg where near obscurity almost eclipses me! But first, what better a start…
Tuesday 3 May – Luxury, discovery and my first kiss Don’t rush, take it slow. I will let you in on my smooch moment later! But first, I wake in a cold sweat before the crack of dawn. “Where am…
Monday 2 May – On top of and out in the untamed world There are good days and there are days to really remember. This is one of them. Breakfast in style and a few turns down the road and…
Sunday 1 May – Moving on down the road “Knock, knock.” “Who’s there? “Anton.” “Anton who?” “Anton you going to come and play with me?” Now if you don’t think that’s funny, then know that at three years old, Jenny…
Saturday 30 April – Moving on down the road, up the road, down the road, up… Have you ever started the day with that feeling that you got to hold on to something real tight? Well in my case, the…
Friday 29 April – The morning after the day before The perfect start to a morning after a big night out, even in a small town is to: a] start early and go out for a jog; b] grab a…
Thursday 28 April – Choked, poked and stroked Life is not always about basking in the sun and soaking up them rays. Every so often, life curves you a throw-ball and the breeze calls in. From the warm and cosy…
Wednesday, 27 April – I bet you did more than me today “Lazy” [lay-zee] – adjective – averse or disinclined to work, activity or exertion; indolent Need I say more?! My dreamtime fears about Nero and Pucca were seriously misplaced.…
Tuesday, 26 April – So I met a girl, another girl, another girl and yet even another! Sparrow fart, and I am up in no time flat. Problem is, it’s just me so I kill time at the snooker table.…
Monday, 25 April – End of Day Oh what drama! After a fair flow of tears, I eventually got Mucho and Maya to understand that even if they could hide in the trunk of the car, they still could not…
Monday, 25 April – Why you looking at me like that? No more slithering in the garden for me this week ahead. The pot plants will have to keep themselves company because I won’t be here to slip the debris…