Fujifilm / Lifestyle

A Perfect Bagel, ‘My Deli’ at Delta Central

I don’t think I have ever been so excited about a sandwich (calling it a sandwich feels like a crime) nor the fact that the taste of it lingered in my mouth many hours after it had passed my lips. 

We discovered the newly developed “Delta Central” in Blairgowrie en route to our dog-walking duties with Spot and “My Deli” caught our eye straight away.

Unfortunately our timing was off, so it wasn’t until a few weeks later that we managed to go back during coffee shop hours to indulge in deli delights. 

This quaint establishment – so much more than a coffee shop – is a gorgeous deli. It’s cozy, personal, is run by the owner and offers the most scrumptious bagels amongst other breakfast and lunch meals, and, of course, divine coffee.

I love the atmosphere. The minute I walked through the door, my soul took a deep breath and went “Aaaahhhh”. And then I pulled out my camera and started taking pictures. It’s sooo earthy and pretty, and looks so good in Fujicolors.

The bookshelf, adorned with artwork of a dog, completes my experience. I mean, coffee, books and dogs all in one place… does it get any better than this?

It does!

There are two tables outside, so even the French Romantic in me is happy, and in the crazy times we live in now, makes for a healthy and safe experience.

The owner, Eve, is super friendly, chatty and very talented. She prepares whatever gets your mouth watering. You can choose from the daily menu, that in true deli fashion, is displayed on a large chalkboard, or just let your eyes do the choosing since all foods are displayed beautifully.

They all screamed “eat me”, when I looked at them, but eventually I went for the Bagel with Roast Beef. A fabulous choice.

And if all of that isn’t enough: our Shorthaired Pointer, Spot, is welcome there too and even allowed inside, which secures a solid place in our hearts and guarantees many happy returns.

My Deli enters our lives most unexpectedly, and has turned stopping for a quick sandwich into a royal feast that I can’t wait to repeat. Over and over again.

Support this local, independent and oh-so-authentic place. It makes this world a better place. 

**Note: all images shot on Fujifilm X-Pro 3 as Jpegs straight out of camera.


  • Glyn Demmer
    July 4, 2021 at 10:51 am

    Went there on Friday, it was fantastic, thanks for recommending it! Regards Glyn

    • Nathalie Boucry
      July 5, 2021 at 12:21 pm

      That’s fantastic Glyn. I am so glad to hear!


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